
Liebherr tower cranes renovate bridge in Spain
The company finished the 2023 business year with a record revenue of Euro 14,042 mn.

Zoomlion records 79.2% YoY increase in international revenue
The company achieved an annual revenue of RMB 47.075 billion

Geology and Reserves of Indian Coal
India ranks second amongst the coal producing countries of the world in terms of annual coal production. However, in respect of coal resources, it is endowed with less than 1 per cent of world coal resources.

Liebherr: 2022 business year with new record turnover
Compared to the previous year, the company recorded a turnover growth of Euro 950 mn

NHAI to build 5,795 km NHs in aspirational districts
Over 100 Aspirational Districts would undergo the construction of 5,795 km of National Highways (NHs) under a Rs one trillion programme, which is about to be unveiled.

Zoomlion delivers best operating performance in 2019
Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science & Technology Co (Zoomlion) has reported a 116.42 per cent increase in profit of RMB 4.371 billion ($616.18 million) for the year ending December 31, 2019, according to its annual report released on March 30, 2020.

Mining Potential
With the growing demand for increased output of coal and iron ore and other minerals, the demand for mining equipment and machinery is expected grow manifold.